Establishing National
Standards for Power Engineers.
Establishing National
Standards for Power Engineers.
ASOPE® offers an opportunity to obtain a Gas Turbine Technician - Second Class license. A list of qualifications that are required to receive your Gas Turbine Technician - Second Class license are outlined below. Requirements include being the minimum age of 20 years old, having a high school diploma/GED or equivalent, and one year minimum experience as a third class Gas Turbine Technician.
If all qualifications are met, you will be required to schedule an exam. The exam consists of a wide range of curriculum including, but not limited to, gas turbine cycles, combine cycle, compressors, axial flow, blade cooling, exhaust frame assembly, and more. Upon completion of the Gas Turbine Technician - Second Class license exam, an ASOPE® representative will notify you of a "pass" or "fail" status. If failed, you will be offered additional opportunities to retake the exam. Please review our Failed Test Procedures to learn more.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Gas Turbine Technician - Second Class license, please contact the ASOPE® national office.